Sunday, 8 November 2015

New Home

After a loooooong wait, we are finally in our new home! 
It took us so long to find a house we both liked and the pressure was on when our flat sold before we had found somewhere. 
After going through the legal process of buying the house, we were incredibly frustrated when it fell through on the day of exchange and after many furious phone calls, found out that there was no way of reviving the deal.
Within a week of this happening, we were so lucky to find an even better, bigger house and so didn't waste a minute and offered a price to the estate agent during the appointment! 
After three months of going through all the legal paperwork again and a few minor glitches here and there, we finally moved in on Wednesday!
Wednesday was a really manic day, with ensuring that we were ready on time, the removal men emptying the flat (who knew I was such a hoarder!) and the off loading the other end, it was so nice to sit back on Wednesday evening and feel pleased with all we've achieved and look forward to the settling in process.
This morning I have woken up in our new home and feel content to just relax and enjoy it! 

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