Friday, 21 February 2014

Lazy Friday Evening

Hi everyone! Firstly I must apologise for my lack of posts recently, no excuses what so ever, other than I have been incredibly lazy. I plan to post more regularly now, particularly as it's coming up to 'JulieHearts' 1st Anniversary and I would like to further develop and improve my blog over the next 12 months.

Tonight, I have just felt like having a relaxed evening. I poured myself a glass of wine, lit a Christmas candle ( I may be feeling just a little bit nostalgic) from the Yankee Candle range in the scent 'Snow In Love' which I must add smells gorgeous. I am actually full of cold at the moment but I can still smell it very strongly, but I'll save a review until I can pick up the scent properly.
I put on my PJ's and decided to watch a bit of YouTube as the TV tonight is absolute rubbish. It's so nice to have an evening where you can just relax and put your feet up for a couple of hours ready to start a busy weekend tomorrow.

What plans have you got this weekend? Have a great one, whatever you're up to! X 


  1. Sounds like my ideal night in! I love watching Youtube videos too, I find that TV is always rubbish!
    PS: I have nominated you for the Liebster Award, details at xx

  2. Hi, thank you so much for commenting and also for nominating me, that's really sweet of you! I'll go and check your post out now xx
