Sunday, 29 September 2013

The Autumn Tag

I love the Autumn season and could not resist taking part in this tag! 
So here goes:

1. My favourite thing about Autumn? Such a cliche but I love the cooler weather, the dark evenings, the change in colours on the trees and all of the events that occur during Autumn, such as Halloween and Bonfire Night! 

2. My favourite drink?
I enjoy drinking hot chocolate this time of year, especially if its mint or coffee flavoured. It really puts me in a feel good mood!

3. My favourite scent/candle?
I am yet to find my favourite scent for this time of year. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

4. Best lipstick for the season?
I really love Berry coloured lipsticks during the Autumn period, I haven't found my perfect shade though but love the look on others.

5. My go to moisturiser?
My absolute favourite is the Liz Earle Skin Repair Moisturiser for sensitive and dry skin. It's a lovely thick cream and is perfect for clearing my dry patches, particularly when the cold weather makes them worse than normal.

6. My go to colour with eyes?
I bought MAC Satin Taupe earlier in the year and have fallen in love with it. Perfect for a smoky eye look.

7. Favourite music or band/singer to listen to?
This is a difficult one to answer as I don't really have a favourite, but I love listening to Ne-Yo's albums and they're probably my most played CDs. 

8. Favourite outfit to wear?
I love to get out my cosy jumpers once the weather becomes cooler. I'm not one for experimenting with latest trends, I just stick to what I like!

9. Favourite Autumn treat?
It would have to be food related. I love buying hotdogs and candy floss when I go to a Bonfire event, it sounds like a weird mix but its not Bonfire Night unless I buy them!

10. My favourite place to be?
It sounds very anti-social, but I enjoy snuggling up on the sofa watching a movie most Autumn weekends. 

What are your favourite things about Autumn? 

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