Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Life gets in the way sometimes

If you've read some of my other posts, you may have heard me talking about the knee surgery I had just before Christmas. I was supposed to be off work for 6-8 weeks after surgery, but the healing process did not go so well and I spent 20 weeks off sick. I then attempted to go back to work in April on a part time basis and managed 6 weeks before I was signed off again due to my knee worsening. I am currently still off work!

I have had so many ups and downs since the surgery, but I have tried to keep upbeat about it all and know that with hard work I can get back to normal again. 

This last couple of weeks however, things took a turn for the worse. I don't really want to go in to any detail, but I can say my options are limited to:
1) ignore my consultants advice and go back to work
2) hand in my notice 
3) continue with a new sick note for another month.

I have made myself ill all week with non-stop worrying about my short term & long term future. I went away with my parents for a few days last week hoping it would take my mind off things but unfortunately it's not worked. I wish I could switch my brain off and stop the thoughts going around my head.

Sorry for the negative post, I'm hoping to sort things over the next week or so, then I can start getting back to my normal self again. 

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