Thursday, 23 May 2013

Liebster Award

I was recently nominated by the lovely Toni at The Things Us Girls Do for the Liebster Award. I had not heard of the award before but after reading up on it, I think it is a fantastic idea and I am very grateful to Toni for nominating me.

How It Works
  • This is an award that gets passed around from blog-blog to help lesser known or new bloggers, gain recognition.
  • Each blogger nominated, nominates 11 other bloggers who have under 200 followers and links that person in their post.
  • The nominated blogger is given 11 questions to answer (asked by the person nominating them) and then must also include 11 facts about themselves.
  • So to sum up; I will answer the 11 questions given to me by Toni and then will ask 11 different questions to the 11 bloggers I nominate.

Toni asked me the following questions:-

1. What's your favourite beauty product and why?
I would have to say my favourite at the moment is the Liz Earle Cleanser, Toner and Moisturiser (sorry couldn't just pick one!) because they have completely changed my skin, using them together has put me into a good morning cleansing routine and my make up looks so much better when I have used these products.

2. What is your biggest fashion disaster?
It would have to be the very fetching pink shellsuit I wore in the late '80s. I do not know what possessed me and thank goodness there is no photographic evidence of it lurking around!!

3. If you were Prime Minister for the day what is the one change you would make?
There are so many changes I would like to implement, but I think making St George's Day a Bank Holiday so that we can celebrate all things English, would be a great start.

4. Who is your idol and why?
I haven't really got an idol as such, but I really like the Duchess Of Cambridge. Kate seems a really nice person, she always looks fantastic and along with Prince William, has made The Royal Family seem far more modern and down to earth.

5. What's the funniest thing about you?
To use my one of my Dads favourite phrases' apparently I'm "like a cow with a musket" yes it's true, I'm a very clumsy person so that can usually guarantee a few laughs!

6. What's your best beauty tip?
To drink between 6-8 glasses of water a day, it really makes a visible difference to your skin.

7. What is your favourite place to buy clothes and shoes?
I've become a really big fan of Next recently and have bought some lovely blouses, dresses, high-waisted jeans and nude wedges from here over the last few weeks. The styles seem to flatter my body shape and the clothes are of good quality.

8. If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the 3 items of choice you would take?
Suncream, a huge bag of crisps to keep me going for a while and a good book.

9. Describe yourself in 3 words
Caring, Patient and Easy-going

10. What is your favourite film?
It has to be City Of Angels. I love this film and have watched it so many times. I love the story, the characters and the soundtrack to the film too.

11. What song is guaranteed to get you out of your seat and having a little dance?
Something cheesy like "Is this the way to Amarillo?" will usually get me on the dance floor ( I have now got this song stuck in my head, thanks Toni!!)

11 Facts About Me

1. Although I would describe myself as a girly girl, I love football and am a huge Tottenham Hotspur fan!
2. I am obsessed with all things heart-shaped and have a display cabinet full of the Emma Bridgewater Hearts range and I have well over 50 hearts hanging all around my flat.
3. I have one Sister, called Linda. She is 2 years younger than me. We have always got on really well (most of the time!)  she is getting married in April 2014 and I'm one of three Bridesmaids, I cannot wait to see her in her Wedding Dress!
4. I have a phobia of spiders, I cannot even touch a picture of one or go near a plastic one. I blame this on some boys at primary school who used to put plastic spiders in my desk to make me cry!
5. I love eating out at restaurants, my favourite foods are potatoes, pasta and Yorkshire pudding.
6. I spend a lot of my free time reading books and am often found in the early hours of the morning finishing off a last few pages of a book.
7. My ambition is to open my own Day Nursery, I have worked in the Child Care sector for 15 years and love it. There is not a day that goes by when the children don't make me smile!
8. I cannot go shopping without stopping somewhere for a coffee!
9. I am a very emotional person and will cry if I see someone upset (even if it's someone on TV!)
10. I love cats. I currently have one long-haired cat called Robbie, I would love to own more but I know he won't let another cat in his house!
11. I often add things I have done to my 'to do' list - just so I can tick them off!

I would like to nominate the following 11 fantastic bloggers for the Liebster Award:


My questions to you are:-

1. What made you start blogging?

2. What would your ideal weekend be?

3. What are your top 3 beauty products?

4. If you could have one magical power for one day, what would it be?

5. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

6. What is your favourite film of all time?

7. What is your dream holiday destination?

8. What is your favourite season and why?

9. If you could have a dinner party with 5 guests of your choice, who would they be?

10. What is your favourite perfume/scent?

11. If money was no object, what one luxury item would you buy for yourself?

I look forward to seeing your responses, don't forget to link me in your post!

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